Hello, I’m encountering an issue while running my experiment related to Emotiv, and I hope someone can help me troubleshoot it. Despite importing EmotivRecord
at the beginning of my script and correctly setting up the .emotiv-creds
file, I receive the following error message from the PsychoPy Runner:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\super\OneDrive\Escritorio\Curso 23-24\TFG\Experimentos\PruebaPsychoPyEmotiv.py”, line 51, in
emotiv_recording = EmotivRecord(win_temporizador, ‘emotiv_recording’)
NameError: name ‘EmotivRecord’ is not defined
My code is:
from psychopy import visual, core, event
from psychopy.hardware.emotiv import *
win_temporizador = visual.Window([1000,800], monitor=“testMonitor”, units=“deg”, color=‘white’)
temporizador = core.CountdownTimer(10)
texto_temporizador = visual.TextStim(win_temporizador, text=“”, color=‘black’, pos=(0, 0), height=1.2)
texto_relajacion = visual.TextStim(win_temporizador, text=“Cierra los ojos y relájate”, color=‘black’, pos=(0, -4), height=0.8)
emotiv_recording = EmotivRecord(win_temporizador, ‘emotiv_recording’)
while temporizador.getTime() > 0:
texto_temporizador.text = str(int(temporizador.getTime()))
Could anyone shed some light on why this error occurs? I’ve double-checked my code, and it seems that everything is in order. Is there something specific I’m missing?
Thank you in advance for any insights or suggestions!