When I want to put an excel file in a trial.
I have a message that pops up, which is the following:
that it is an external error and that I have to write to the programmers
then in the detail part, I have this:
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C: \ Program Files \ PsychoPy \ lib \ site-packages \ psychopy \ app \ builder \ dialogs \ __ init__.py”, line 1455, in onBrowseTrialsFile
returnFieldNames = True)
File “C: \ Program Files \ PsychoPy \ lib \ site-packages \ psychopy \ data \ utils.py”, line 393, in importConditions
_assertValidVarNames (fieldNames, fileName)
File “C: \ Program Files \ PsychoPy \ lib \ site-packages \ psychopy \ data \ utils.py”, line 292, in _assertValidVarNames
(fileName, msg, os.linesep * 2, name))
psychopy.exceptions.ConditionsImportError: Conditions file C: \ Users \ madel \ Desktop \ Software-Experience \ Seance-3 \ ListTraining.xlsx: Parameters (column headers) cannot contain punctuation or spaces