I wonder if someone would be able to help. I am building a task on Psychopy on a OS X Mac using v1.84, mainly using the builder mode (inserting some code components where necessary).
For each trial, there is a central fixation and then a number appears center top of the screen (0, 0.5) and participant has to respond Y or N depending on whether it is an odd number. Every 5th trial, there is a distraction, so, the number at the center top is accompanied by another number center bottom (0, -0.5) and this requires a different response from the participant (there is a particular correct response Y or N depending on what that number is at the bottom)
I have specified details about the two numbers that will appear in these two-number trials in an excel file. The top numbers are always black, but sometimes (randomly) the bottom numbers should be white, to signal a change in how the participant should answer the question. Here is an example of my excel file:
number1 number1colour number2 number2colour corrAns
1 black 5 black left
3 black 8 black right
6 black 9 white left
Using the builder, I have two separate text components for my routine; one specifies details about the top number e.g. $number1, $number1colour; the other specifies details about the bottom number e.g. $number2, $number2colour. The problem is, that psychopy seems to be randomly selecting properties about the two numbers, not necessarily taking into account the whole row. for example, sometimes 2 (top) and 2 (bottom) both appear on the screen, even though none of my rows in the excel file specify that 2 can be both the number on top AND the number on the bottom.
The only alternative I can think of is to use image stimuli (which have both the numbers on them), so that only one stimulus component is in the routine. I wondered if there was another way to circumvent the issue without having to use the image stimuli (which I don’t really like, as I have a grey background and would need to match this exactly). Does anyone have any other thoughts?