Pavlovia survey logic with console variable

OS Windows:
PsychoPy version 2024.2.0
**Standard Standalone? yes

I am trying to make certain questions in the Pavlovia Survey visible based on their assigned group condition.

I did the random group assignment in PsychoPy, this all works as it should.
Then I passed the assigned condition for the group to the console.
First I initialise it in the ‘begin experiment’ tab: window.condition_N=1;
Then I update it on each frame: window.condition_N=condition_N;

I checked that the variable is accessible in the console and it returns a numerical value that corresponds with the assigned condition/group number.

Then I use this in the survey question logic:
{window.condition_N} < 5

I don’t get any errors, but the question doesn’t show for any condition.
Upon inspection in the console, there are no errors related to this statement. There are several warnings about undefined attributes, but these exist regardless of using the survey logic.

I am assuming that I am missing a step in which layers I can/cannot access. Any help would be appreciated!