Outer Loop not running


I think I would take a slightly different approach here. Rather than defining routines for every possible load, I would have one routine handling the load using a code component. Please find a minimal working example attached.

What the example does:

  • It uses a dictionary of dictionaries to define loads as well as eligible stimuli within a load together with the appropriate stimulus presentation time within a load (currently the same for all loads)
  • It counts the number of correct responses and lets you move freely between loads (e.g., 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 4 → 3)

What the example does not do:

  • The main issue might be that there is a non-zero probability of a specific number combination being repeated on the next trial; you could either minimise this possibility by adding as many combinations as possible or you could exclude this possibility completely by removing elements from the list of stimuli after they have been chosen for presentation or by using an index for selecting elements from the list
  • Longer presentation times for higher loads; the main issue here would be to push back the response component in line with the stimulus presentation time (alternatively, you could have a separate routine for collecting responses, like you have now)
  • The participants can’t see what numbers they entered
  • The experiment doesn’t count the overall number of correct trials and thus doesn’t
    quit after 14 trials


digit_span.psyexp (12.2 KB)