I am almost finished with programming this study, but am having an issue with the study not saving data and not completing.
At the end when the study completes I get this error:
I am not sure if I am missing something?
I am almost finished with programming this study, but am having an issue with the study not saving data and not completing.
At the end when the study completes I get this error:
I am not sure if I am missing something?
Not a solution I’m afraid, but @hellenjingyuan appears to be having the same issue.
Can you help with this one @jon ?
I am not sure if this is an issue, but it seems that my export html is importing from the old version?
IE it is currently importing this
import { PsychoJS } from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/core-3.2.js’;
import * as core from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/core-3.2.js’;
import { TrialHandler } from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/data-3.2.js’;
import { Scheduler } from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/util-3.2.js’;
import * as util from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/util-3.2.js’;
import * as visual from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/visual-3.2.js’;
import { Sound } from ‘https://pavlovia.org/lib/sound-3.2.js’;
but I think it is actually suppose to be this:
import { PsychoJS } from ‘./lib/core-2020.1.js’;
import * as core from ‘./lib/core-2020.1.js’;
import { TrialHandler } from ‘./lib/data-2020.1.js’;
import { Scheduler } from ‘./lib/util-2020.1.js’;
import * as util from ‘./lib/util-2020.1.js’;
import * as visual from ‘./lib/visual-2020.1.js’;
import * as sound from ‘./lib/sound-2020.1.js’;
I might be off, but not sure.
Also here is url to my study (sorry it has a lot of trials, you might just spam 1 and space through it all)
Still can’t seem to get it to work.
Hey, I removed some of the crib sheet code in the beginning,
Array.prototype.append = .push
Object.prototype.upper = “”.toUpperCase;
These were all removed, I am not sure which one was the culprit. Everything works now though!
It should be String.prototype.upper