Hi @Becca .
Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve updated formtohtml.php to cope with slider, heading and description.
I’ve added the following as the default contents for the form
index questionText options layout type questionWidth responseWidth
0 Demographics heading
0 Thank you for agreeing to take part. In order to help me describe my participants, please could you answer the following questions? description
1 What gender are you? Woman, Man, Non-binary, Different Gender Identity[specify], Prefer not to say vert radio 0.4 0.6
2 How old are you? Under 17,18,19,20,21,Over 21 horiz choice 0.4 0.6
3 Are you a student? Yes, undergraduate,Yes, taught postgraduate,Yes, research postgraduate,No vert radio 0.4 0.6
4 How fluent are you in English? 1,2,3,4,5 horiz slider 0.4 0.6