URL of experiment: The experiment is in pilot mode, but I can provide a 1-hour link if anyone is interested.
Description of the problem:
I have inserted a form into my experiment that asks participants which German Bundesland they are from. This works fine in PsychoPy, but the formatting renders it unusable in Pavlovia. Please see the screenshots; the first is the problem in Pavlovia and the second is how it should look, ie how it looks in PsychoPy. (The differences in background color, although not ideal, can be ignored). Interestingly, the options are also in reverse order in Pavlovia.
I’ve read various things about forms not working/now working in Pavlovia. I’m not sure if this is a problem that can be solved or if it is just a case of “forms are in beta, good luck.”
The formtohtml function isn’t working for me (I’m not getting any output). This is what I’m pasting in:
index itemText type options ticks tickLabels layout itemColor itemWidth responseColor responseWidth
1 In welchem Bundesland sind Sie aufgewachsen? choice “Baden-Württemberg Bayern Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Sachsen-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thüringen” vert black 0.5 black 0.5
Could you point me towards a demo or explanation of exactly how to do this (text file with html extension in coder)? I’m not sure exactly what you mean by “used in the coder view.”