Need Help for sync my folder psychopy to pavlovia

The changes I made to get your experiment working were:

  1. Changed \ to / in your spreadsheets to solve
  1. Changed Stimuli to stimuli in sound_1 and sound_2
  1. Removed $random(4) * 200 and $random(4) * 400 from the selected rows fields. I don’t know what they are supposed to do. Locally it seems to produce a list of four random numbers, e.g. [113.92972671 65.91239136 118.54189524 10.72040802]. Online it produces a single random number in that range. Neither make sense for selected rows.

For now, I’ve replaced it with a code component in each routine which breaks the loop after 4 iterations:

if loopStimul.thisN == 3:
    loopStimul.finished = True

You can try it here. EXP1 [PsychoPy]

Since the loops have a fixed random seed then it plays the say four images eight times. Are your two spreadsheets identical?

This tip tells you about how selected rows works. Either a list of integers or a string of two integers separated by a colon.

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