Hey everyone,
I am trying to build an experiment with the Builder and using some code components. The task is basically this: Participants will see number of stimuli for various duration and reproduce the duration n times before. For instance, they will see 3 stimuli back-to-back (various duration) and then they will be asked to reproduce the duration of the stimulus 2-back. And what I want is presenting maximum 5 stimuli back to back and ask them to reproduce the duration n-back (n=1 or n=2 or n=3) before. There should be 12 ways and I want them to occur with equal probabilities:
5 back-to-back stimuli, asking to reproduce 1-back before
5 back-to-back stimuli- asking to reproduce 2-back before
5 back-to-back stimuli- asking to reproduce 3-back before
What I have until now is a basic time reproduction task which is presenting stimuli for various seconds and asking them to reproduce the duration of the previous stimulus with pressing a key. I cannot think of ways to implement what I described above. I have checked the posts here about n-back tasks but couldn’t think of anything. I know this is not a question about a specific thing but I just need a suggestion, a starting point. I am very much stuck. Does anyone have a suggestion?