My experiment does not run in an online environment...Any solutions?

I uploaded my python file that I coded in Psychopy coder view (using psychopy library) to Pavlovia to try if my experiment runs fine without glitches online but I get this error message ‘403 Forbidden’.

From what I have searched so far, it looks like I have to either (1) translate every single code of my python file into JSpsych or (2) use a builder along with the code component. But just wanted to ask if there is a way for me to just keep my code as it is and still run the experiment online.

Thank you in advance!


See Wakefield's Daily Tips - #17 by wakecarter here. The Python code needs to be translated into JavaScript. The Builder does this for you. I am afraid, but I think you need to “re-program” your experiment using the Builder or you have to write it in PsychoJS.

Best wished Jens

