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OS: Mac OSX High Sierra (10.13.5) running on a Macbook Pro of some sort
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 1.90.3
Standard Standalone? (y/n) If not then what?: Y
What are you trying to achieve?:
I have been developing the visual search task given in Chapter 9 of the Building Experiments in PsychoPy book. If you’re not familiar, it’s a case of finding a target hexagon among a variable number of distractor pentagons. The hex may or may not be the same color as the distractors.
I found that everything worked, but the mouse click didn’t end the trial, as it should have done.
What did you try to make it work?:
After some hacked attempts at coding (I’m not a Python coder) I discovered that clicks are being registered, it’s just that the position of the mouse (my trackpad) doesn’t match. Note that the target position can be between -400 and +400 pix, in steps of 100, on both the x and y axis.
if mouse.status == STARTED: # only update if started and not stopped!
buttons = mouse.getPressed()
if buttons != prevButtonState: # button state changed?
prevButtonState = buttons
if sum(buttons) > 0: # state changed to a new click
# check if the mouse was inside our 'clickable' objects
for obj in [target]:
if obj.contains(mouse):
print("valid click found")
gotValidClick = True
if gotValidClick: # abort routine on response
print("Stop Routine")
continueRoutine = False
In the image you can see that the (x,y) coordinates for the mouse appear to be double the (x,y) coordinates of the target.
I made sure the measurement units of the mouse, the experiment, and even the PsychoPy preferences were all set to “pix” (although I believe the lower level setting should have been enough).
I could just do the division manually in the code, but is there something I’m doing wrong? I suspect I need to give more info, but I’m not sure on what info would be helpful
edit: my screen coords as registered by PsychoPy are [1440, 900], which my Macbook settings agree with