Making participants aware of their ID

What is your intended flow?

I thought it was

VESPR tool (to allocated participant number) → Pavlovia Survey → PsychoJS Experiment

The link you’ve just posted (which you’ve called “that link”) is for VESPR tool → PsychoJS experiment The + {participant} bit and misspelled but also didn’t include a variable name (e.g. &participant= )

Oh, okay, sorry, thank you. I thought the VESPR tool was used to allocate participant ID after the survey; that was my mistake. I’m sorry for the inconvenience!

So have you got it working now?

Yes, it is all working. Thanks for your help.

Hello, I’m replying here because it seems that this thread is where the update originated from! I’ve been using the webpage for the past few years to assign participants consecutive participant numbers for my pavlovia studies but noticed the url format folder=a&experiment=b no longer works when it gave me a 404 forbidden error when I tried it for my most recent study the other day. Is there a way for me to still use this for my studies stored in html folder on pavlovia i.e. just a different configuration of the url without changing anything on my pavlovia that I’m not understanding? Thanks in advance!

Using the html folder is no longer recommended. However, does it work if you use experiment=b/html ?

That does work, thank you! Do you know of any resources that explain what to use instead of html or convert my current ones to what is recommended? Thanks!

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That field should be blank in Experiment Settings / Online and you should delete the local html folder before syncing (check it doesn’t have any unique files created by you).