Mac right clicks not registering as right click

I have a psychopy memory experiment where I need people to respond with a left mouse click if the item was on the left of the screen, and a right click if it was on the right of the screen.

This works fine on psychopy on windows (and on pavlovia for windows), but when a collaborator tried it on their Mac using psychopy it registered all right-clicks as left-clicks i.e. mouse.getPressed() = [1,0,0]. This was using the ‘two finger click’ on a macbook trackpad, which they normally use for right-clicking.

Is there a way to get Mac right clicks? And will this work on pavlovia/JS too?

I’m currently using mouse.getPressed()


I think the issue is with Pyglet not converting the double press into a right-click interpretation. I think two-finger-click does work on Pavlovia/JS because it gets converted by the browser. Sorry, I don’t have another solution right now on Python

Could you get them to left-click on the left or right of the screen instead (as in the Posner demo online)?

Could you use an external mouse that has 2 buttons when running on the mac?

I think the issue is with Pyglet not converting the double press into a right-click interpretation. I think two-finger-click does work on Pavlovia/JS because it gets converted by the browser. Sorry, I don’t have another solution right now on Python

thanks. the pavlovia version is more important for us, so I’ll check there.

Could you get them to left-click on the left or right of the screen instead (as in the Posner demo online)?
yeah we may have to if the pavlovia version doesn’t work. cheers

no, we’re aiming to run online in patients so will just have to use what they have

Hi, I was wondering if you resolved this issue? We just ran into a problem with mouse clicks when our experiment was run on Mac and I have an inkling that it treats (in our case, accidental) right-clicks as left-clicks. Would appreciate if you have any insights! Best, Donna

Hi Donna,
No, I couldn’t find a way to get left and right mouse clicks differently on Max, so changed my task around to have boxes on the screen saying ‘left’ and ‘right’ that they clicked instead, to avoid this issue.
Not sure if there’s been any updates since this that may have changed how it works though

sorry I couldn’t help more

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