I’m trying to use a new faster keyboard component, but it cannot get key responses correctly from the numerical keypad.
*I’m using Builder.
I set a keyboard component to end the routine when ‘num_1’ key is pressed, however, the routine did not end even when I pressed ‘num_1’ key.
On the other hand, I set a keyboard component to end the routine when ‘1’ key is pressed, and routine would end when I pressed ‘1’ key as I expected.
I guess the new keyboard component fails to get correct key names from the numerical keypad responses.
In token of that, PsychoPy returns key names such as ‘end’, ‘down’, ‘pagedown’, instead of ‘num_1’, ‘num_2’, ‘num_3’ respectively in the keyboardNEW.py demo script.
Is there any solution for this?
If I remember correctly, I could get key responses from the numerical keypad using the older version.
To get numeric input from the numerical keypad is more friendly for my participants than to get from the alphabet keys.
Thank you in advance,
OS : Win10
PsychoPy version : 3.1.5
Standard Standalone? (y/n) : y