JsPsych experiment cannot redirect with pavlovia

jsPsych version (e.g. 7.2.1):

Hi, I am running an experiment with pavlovia and JsPsych. My experiment has 6 HTML files containing different trials and tasks, each one of them saves data twice. The first is index.html which is the homepage of the experiment, than each page timeline redirects to the next.
The experiment ran great on pilot mode with the deprecated syntax of jsPsych 6, saving the data locally. after migrating to jsPsych 7 I can redirect from homepage.

is it possible to build the experiment on multiple HTML files? should I need to use only index.html file and handle all the trials there? if so how can I save to pavlovia server in the same places I saved locally?


You can only have one HTML file. However, you could just have the javascript of the different tasks in separate files, and have that one HTML file refer to separate JS files (so rather than redirecting to another HTML page, it loads a different .js file instead). That might be best for saving multiple data files, since the data saving is done by the Pavlovia plugin on the server, so you will need multiple pavlovia plugin open/close commands to save multiple files, I think.