JavaScript code for online balanced stimuli presentation across blocks

Continuing the discussion from Randomizing File Choice Across Two Blocks:

First off, I am a total newbie with JS (and also quite new with python/PsychoPy as well!), so I apologize if I am missing anything obvious, or if a similar solution has been posted elsewhere (although I haven’t been able to find one yet).

I have been trying to get an experiment to work online (from Builder) using the code provided by @Michael to have balanced presentation of stimulus types. Basically, I have three stimuli types (words, nonwords, and pseudowords) and two presentation blocks, where I need to have an equal presentation of each stimuli type in each block. I have been able to get the linked code to work perfectly for my experiment within PsychoPy, but translating to JS hasn’t been going so smoothly and I can’t get it to work online.

So far this is what I have for my code. I have a codeJS routine in a Begin Experiment tab before everything else to define shuffle=util.shuffle, and have tried to replace what I can with suggestions from @wakecarter’s crib sheet, but everything else I’m a bit lost on (and not sure if my replacements even make sense).

This code is in a routine before the start of the experiment, in a Begin Experiment tab:

PLDTwords = new TrialHandler({
psychoJS: psychoJS,
nReps: 1, method: TrialHandler.Method.SEQUENTIAL,
extraInfo: expInfo, originPath: undefined,
trialList: 'PLDT_test_wd.csv',
seed: undefined, name: 'PLDTwords'});

PLDTnonwords = new TrialHandler({
psychoJS: psychoJS,
nReps: 1, method: TrialHandler.Method.SEQUENTIAL,
extraInfo: expInfo, originPath: undefined,
trialList: 'PLDT_test_nw.csv',
seed: undefined, name: 'PLDTnonwords'});

PLDTpseudo = new TrialHandler({
psychoJS: psychoJS,
nReps: 1, method: TrialHandler.Method.SEQUENTIAL,
extraInfo: expInfo, originPath: undefined,
trialList: 'PLDT_test_ph.csv',
seed: undefined, name: 'PLDTpseudo'});

//randomize words across trials and blocks:

A1_words = [];

B1_words = [];

Then for the actual trials in my loop (here showing for the first block only as an example), I have this to call on each stimulus and record information in the data file:

trial_details = A1_words.shift();
current_PLDT_stim = trial_details(['stimText']);
current_PLDT_type = trial_details(['lex']);
current_PLDT_ans = trial_details(['correctAns']);

//record in data file
PLDT_A_loop.addData('stimText', current_PLDT_stim);
PLDT_A_loop.addData('lex', current_PLDT_type);
PLDT_A_loop.addData('correctAns', current_PLDT_ans);

Is it possible to do this with JS?

Thank you!

I can definitely do this kind of experiment online but I append to lists using Builder loops rather than creating dictionaries using TrialHandler in code.

However, I think your method should work apart from the construction of the new lists. I would recommend appending (pushing – but I use append because I create an alias as per my crib sheet) to the new lists using loops in your code rather than pushing several slices at once.

I’ve added details of my method of interleaving lists to my new Google doc PsychoPy Code Component Snippets - Google Docs