Hi everyone,
I’m having issues in the latest version of psychopy syncing my project to pavlovia. I began by editing an old project that had previously been synced to pavlovia (v2021.1.1 or something close to this). I have since deleted that project off of pavlovia to try and address this error with syncing to no avail. When I try selecting “New” under Pavlovia, this error message appears:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\app\pavlovia_ui\menu.py”, line 127, in onNew
if pavlovia.getCurrentSession().user.username:
AttributeError: ‘User’ object has no attribute ‘username’
I am signed in I believe, both on my web browser and through the builder to my account. If I try to sync, this message pops up:
This file doesn’t belong to any existing project.
If I click on create a project, and try to select a folder and give it a name, I cannot advance by clicking okay. I don’t know what folder it wants me to select.
I’ve also tried saving a new copy of the experiment and putting it in a new folder, and this doesn’t work either.
I’m using Windows 10, 64bit, and can provide any additional information as needed. If anyone knows a solution to this issue I would greatly appreciate it!