URL of experiment: ART_with_Stroop_online [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem: page stuck on initialising when i attempt to launch.
I have debugged using on the browser and was given :'ART_with_Stroop_online.js:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()'
It works for me. Try an incognito tab or Ctrl-Shift-R to refresh the cache
Hi, i have just tried and as far as i can tell it is not working. Any help would be apreciated
It failed for me this time due to the backslashes in the paths giving an Invalid Unicode escape sequence syntax error (\u doesn’t exist)
{‘name’: ‘Break_images\urbanF.PNG’, ‘path’: ‘Break_images/urbanF.PNG’},
For some reason some of your code is correct and some uses \
resources: [
// resources:
{'name': 'STROOP_with_Art_Conds1.csv', 'path': 'STROOP_with_Art_Conds1.csv'},
{'name': 'Break_images/Image_selection.csv', 'path': 'Break_images/Image_selection.csv'},
{'name': 'Break_images\atureBI.PNG.PNG', 'path': 'Break_images/atureBI.PNG.PNG'},
{'name': 'Break_images\urbanF.PNG', 'path': 'Break_images/urbanF.PNG'},
{'name': 'STROOP_with_ART_T2.csv', 'path': 'STROOP_with_ART_T2.csv'},
{'name': 'default.png', 'path': 'https://pavlovia.org/assets/default/default.png'},
{'name': 'STROOP_with_ART_T2.csv', 'path': 'STROOP_with_ART_T2.csv'},
{'name': 'STROOP_with_Art_Conds1.csv', 'path': 'STROOP_with_Art_Conds1.csv'},
{'name': 'Break_images/Image_selection.csv', 'path': 'Break_images/Image_selection.csv'},
{'name': 'Break_images/urbanF.PNG', 'path': 'Break_images/urbanF.PNG'},
{'name': 'Break_images/atureBI.PNG.PNG', 'path': 'Break_images/atureBI.PNG.PNG'},
I am now receiving a different error.