Dear all, I have two questions about iohub and eyetracking. I use Windows 10, Psychopy Standalone v1.82.01; SR Eyelink 1000 Plus (Tower, I track mouse, selecting right eye for the time being)(and if maters Pycharm as an Editor).
I present stimuli, let the participants free-view the screen and when they are ready they push a key (it is based on a gc demo).
There is one warning that I get:
C:\PsychoPy2\python.exe C:/Users/admin/Desktop/experiments/
EYELINK Error during _setEyesToTrack:
<type ‘exceptions.RuntimeError’>
RuntimeError(‘Not available in EyeLink CL mode.’,)
[’ File “C:\PsychoPy2\lib\site-packages\psychopy-1.82.01-py2.7.egg\psychopy\iohub\devices\eyetracker\hw\sr_research\eyelink\”, line 1184, in _setEyesToTrack\n self._eyelink.sendCommand(“current_camera = %s”%(track_eyes))\n’]
I tried commenting the section as in here "in the “_setRuntimeSettings” method, comment out these 2 lines:
#elif pkey == ‘track_eyes’:
#self._setEyesToTrack(v) "
which lead to an error stating that it is unable to measure srate.
Everything seems to work - but… I might have a wrong impression.
I will appreciate any ideas/help!
Thanks in advance.