Hi! Currently I am using shimmer gsr for recording physiological data while a participant is performing an experiment by synchronizing timestamps to local PC both for psychopy and the shimmer GSR. But I want to send triggers to the shimmer GSR Consensys software so that I can visualize it live on another system. Can someone help with the method/code to send triggers to the Consensys software? Thanks in advance!
Hu Shruti,
I’m afraid I don’t know about consensys devices and I’m afraid there are too many Psychopy users for me to provided 1-to-1 support but try asking on the forum itself or you can use our consultancy services if that doesn’t work
best wishes
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply!
Hi, did you ever find a solution to this? I am also having the same problem and can’t find a solution. Any help would be much appreciated!
I could not integrate shimmer with psychopy. So, I found a way around by matching timestamp of both psychopy and shimmer to extract the corresponding values between the stimulus onset and offset.
There are a few shimmer packages in latest version of psychopy but I haven’t used them. You may try downloading them and check if they work in your case.
Hope this helps.
All the best !
Thank you!! What program do you use to stream the shimmer and collect data (e.g., Consensys or Lab Recorder)?
Consensys. Make sure to visualise the data on another scream during the experiment. You may extend it on another scream to avoid time lag if you are adjusting timestamps of shimmer and psychopy
I meant screen (not scream). Sorry for the typo
You can use labstreaminlayer (LSL) if you want proper synchronization. Include the code of LSL (https://www.gitlab.ethz.ch/schakraborth/pyshimmer) into the code component of psychopy.