Installation on Debian 12


We have psychopy installed on all our laboratory computers which run Debian 11. For this, we had the following dependencies (defined using poetry syntax, but we will soon migrate to pdm) :

python = "~3.9"
numpy = "^1.26.1"
pyqt5 = "5.12.2"
wxpython = {url = ""}
psychtoolbox = "^"
psychopy = "2022.1.1"

There was an order effect, where we had to install things in a very particular sequence to get psychopy to work. We use .venv -based environments and resolve our dependencies using pdm/poetry. We are now thinking of upgrading to Debian 12, and so far, all our attempts at installing any version of psychopy have proven futile.

Has anyone got psychopy working with Debian 12 ? If so, we would really appreciate some advise/tips.


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It seems that installation of wxPython, and therefore PsychoPy, is not yet possible on Debian 12, at least via the installation methods specified in PsychoPy and wxPython Linux install documentation.

I say this because as of the time of this reply (March 27, 2024), there does not appear to be a wxPython wheel (the thing at the URL your wxpython dependency is pointing to) available for Debian 12:

I will watch this thread, since Iā€™m also interested in running PsychoPy on Debian 12. Hopefully if someone is able to get it running at some stage, they will post a reply.