Inconsistent image display in nested conditions loop

OS (e.g. Win10): Mac
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2024.2.4
Standard Standalone? (y/n) y
What are you trying to achieve?:
I’ve reduced the problem to it’s simplest form:

This generates no error messages, but randomly does not show images and always hangs after the first condition. The “trials” loop is defined as below. I tried trials/not trials, random/sequential, uploaded the xlsx multiple times, opened the xlsx to ensure the labels were spelled and capitalized properly.

The inner “conditions” loop is defined as below:

I also tried all the variants described above.

I have ensured all the images exist and are spelled correctly, the paths are correct. I rewatched this intro to be sure I was defining them correctly:

The major issue is that the error is images stop displaying at an inconsistent point, making troubleshooting very difficult. I feel fairly confident the image and variable names are not in error and all the images are formatted in the same way. Since a few images display sometimes, I think the path and image types are not likely the error. I’ve included shots below in the event that they are helpful:

Try setting both loops to sequential to see if the error becomes consistent.

Having blank rows in your inner loop spreadsheets would cause the behaviour you describe. The data file would also help. Are you wanting a steady stream of 100 images at 1 second each?

My RSVP online demo might give you better timing than concentric loops.

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This was due to having blank rows in 8 of the 10 .xls files. I had created the first two in Excel software and the others in Google Sheets (saving as .xslx). It may be that GoogleSheets has this behavior. Regardless, I deleted them, and now it runs.

Thank you!

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