Image error when launched online

I don’t think it’s an image error, or anything to do with the survey.

Using developer tools I’ve identified that the line causing the error is in a text component:

InstructionSCID1_text = new visual.TextStim({
    win: psychoJS.window,
    name: 'InstructionSCID1_text',
    text: 'In a moment, we will ask you to press the space bar as fast as you can WHEN YOU SEE A SQUARE.  However, before the square appears, you will see a sign that tells you what kind of a picture will appear after the square. There are two types of pictures. SEXY pictures show couples posed in a sexy way. SPORTS pictures show people engaged in some non-sexual, fun activity. \n\nPress the [SPACE BAR] for more information.',
    font: 'Arial',
    units: undefined, 
    pos: [0, 0], draggable: false, height: 0.05,  wrapWidth: undefined, ori: 0.0,
    languageStyle: 'LTR',
    color: new util.Color('white'),  opacity: undefined,
    depth: 0.0 

If I compare this with the previous text code I can see that the issue is that you have a mix of units.

  Finish_Text = new visual.TextStim({
    win: psychoJS.window,
    name: 'Finish_Text',
    text: '',
    font: 'Arial',
    units: undefined, 
    pos: [0, 0], draggable: false, height: 32,  wrapWidth: undefined, ori: 0,
    languageStyle: 'LTR',
    color: new util.Color('white'),  opacity: 1,
    depth: -1.0 

You are using pix units and InstructionSCID1_text fails because the text height is 0.05 pixels.