Idiotic question: printing values of variables on screen using text

MacOS Catalina, Psychopy 2021.2.3

An old and working version of a programme incorporated a counter that printed updated responses on the screen using a text component, with the following in the text box:


where TotalFood is constantly updated. This used to print “Food” and then the value of the variable underneath it. This no longer works - it gives a syntax error (Python syntax error in field ‘text’). Moreover, I can’t find any instructions for printing the value of a variable on the screen – everything I’ve tried that is recognised just prints out the variable name. This has to be super-simple, so sorry!

Update – I have discovered that while


is not recognised

$“%.0f” %TotalDrink

is, and updates as required. How to make it print the word Food as well is beyond me, but easy to work around. So the new question is: are different text components required to mix printing of words and variable values? This is now curiosity rather than desperation… ; )


one possible solution is mentioned in the documentation. You first create your message text and store it in a variable, then you refer to this variable in your text-component.

message = 'The result is %s' %(text)


Best wishes Jens

I think you’re assuming a level of knowledge I don’t have. Plus I tried copying your text verbatim into a code component and it gave me a syntax error - fix Python code!


I just copy&pasted the text in a code-component. No syntax error in my case.

Best wishes Jens

I tried again typing it de novo, same thing. However, it does this in one programme but not in another. All I can guess is that the one where is doesn’t work was written in an older version of Psychopy, and that is somehow making a difference!


which version is not functioning? I am currently using 2022.2.5. but I have used this kind of formatting for at least 3 years.

Best wishes Jens

They are both now in the same version of Psychopy, details of which I posted at the top of my message. But they were written in different versions - and the one that’s playing up is older. It’s fine, I can work round it, but it’s weird!