I can't export the HTML file in psychopy, all that comes out is this page, it doesn't pop up with the few files needed

I can’t export the HTML file in psychopy, all that comes up is this page, it doesn’t bring up the files I need. I can’t register for Pavlovia’s Project Repository. it seems to say that the captcha is wrong, but I don’t know where it’s telling me to get the captcha.

Try going to pavlovia.org and register in your browser, then go back to PsychoPy and sign in. It could just be that the captcha isn’t showing on the web viewer that the app is using.

Thank you very much for your reply. I opened it with Google Chrome and it’s the same yay, they all say my captcha is wrong, but I don’t know where to receive the captcha anywhere. Can I ask you what the interface looks like when you open this URL?

This is what I see

(The padlock icons are from my Buttercup password manager)

Thanks a lot for sharing your side of the interface.