I am attempting to use OpenAI's whisper to transcribe recorded audio from participants using the `transcribe()` function and need help

Hi everyone,

I’m a bit new to developing scripts in Psychopy and was wondering if anyone had any assistance they could provide. I saw the transcribe() function from the Audioclip class (documentation) has integrated OpenAI’s Whisper transcription software into psychopy.

Here are my script steps:

  1. Participants see a question
  2. They press a button to start recording their response
  3. Save the response as a .wav file
  4. Loop to the next question until the questions are finished.

I then wanted to use the transcribe() function to load my sound files, transcribe the audio, and save it as a .txt. The recording portion of the task works, but not the transcription portion. I know this is a new feature, but I’m a bit lost.

Here is the relevant code:

import psychopy.sound as sound
from psychopy import visual, core, event, sound, gui
from psychopy import prefs
import os.path

#Gotta mess with these preferences cause the audio sounds like donkey
prefs.hardware['audioLib'] = 'PTB' #apparently PTB has better timing according to an error I saw
#prefs.hardware['audioLatencyMode'] = 3

expClock = core.Clock()
mic = sound.Microphone(channels=2, streamBufferSecs=15)
path = 'path\to\file'

#make a gui to input participant ID
gui = gui.Dlg(title='Cued recall experiment')
gui.addField('Subject ID:')

sub_ID = gui.data[0]
audioClip=None #Initalize the transcriber audio. Not sure if necessary, said to do it on the psychopy website for transcribe()

win = visual.Window(
    size=(1920, 1080), fullscr=True, screen=0,
    allowGUI=False, allowStencil=False,
    monitor='testMonitor', color=u'grey', colorSpace='rgb',
    blendMode='avg', useFBO=True)

#I couldn't remember the questions
questions = [ 
    "Was this a good movie?",
    "do you have any opinions at all?",
    "Any suggestions for improvement?",

recording_button = visual.TextStim(win, text='Press SPACE to start recording', pos=(0, -0.5))

for i, question in enumerate(questions): # display the questions, i is for saving the .wavs for later
    question_text = visual.TextStim(win, text=question, pos=(0, 0.5))

    # Wait for the SPACE key to start recording

    # Start recording
    recording_button.text = 'Recording... Press SPACE to stop'

    # Wait for the SPACE key to stop recording

    # Stop recording
    recording_button.text = 'Press SPACE to begin recording'

    # Get the recorded audio
    recorded_audio = mic.getRecording()

    # Save the audio to a WAV file

    #in case we need to wait between questions

# Loop through questions
for i, question in enumerate(questions):
    # Load the audio clip
    loaded_audio = sound.AudioClip.load(f'{path}participant_{sub_ID}_response_{i+1}.wav')

    # Transcribe the loaded audio using the 'whisper' engine
    transcription_result = loaded_audio.transcribe(engine='whisper', language='en-US', expectedWords=None, config=None)

    # Get the transcription text from the result
    transcription_text = transcription_result.getText()

    # Create the complete file path using os.path.join
    completeName = os.path.join(path, f'participant_{sub_ID}_response_{i+1}.txt')

    # Save the transcription to a text file
    with open(completeName, 'w') as txt_file:


Whisper transcription is a feature which comes from a plugin - you can install this either from Builder (Tools → Plugins/Packages manager) or via pip in your terminal (pip install psychopy-whisper).

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After installing the Whisper plugin I also had to run “pip install typing-extensions --upgrade” in a PIP terminal from the packages tab.


Fixed this issue in an update to psychopy-whisper.