URL of experiment: https://pavlovia.org/run/Juan_Diaz_97/discriminacion-de-cantidades
Description of the problem:
Hello everyone, I am trying to upload my first experiment to Pavlovia.org , however I am having trouble generating the HTML documents as it throws the following error:
965.0619 ERROR stat: path too long for Windows
Does anyone have any suggestions of what may be happening
There are a couple of possibilities here:
I’m excited to try to run my experiment online. However, everytime I click on the sync button to move my experiment from Builder to Pavlovia I get this error:
ValueError: stat: path too long for Windows
I’ve done some searching online, and it looks like Windows limits characters to 250. I have shortened the file name, but that did not help. There are other workaround suggestions online, but I don’t understand them, so I don’t know how to apply it to PsychoPy.
Did anyone else get this error an…
Did you create the experiment in its own folder or use a generic folder like Documents?
Is there a variable name in its file name?
Best wishes
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