Hello psychopy developers.
I am developing the experiment that two participants join using psychopy.
In my experiment, I need to change the screen of ParticipantB according to the response and input of ParticipantA when A is looking at his screen. The screens of both of them are the same at first, but the screen of B gradually changes according to the response and inputs of A.
When changing the screen of B, I would like to use Numpy to calculate the complex and large amounts of pixels. In other words, I want to output the screen that A sees as a Numpy Array (ndarray, such as the result of cv2.imread()), and then edit it to reconstruct the screen that B sees in real-time. The screen seen by B does not have to be a psychopy.
I attached the image that shows my experiment. And images include what I want to know in particular by red color.
In general, it’s easier to just change the parameters of PsychoPy components which make up the image, e.g. changing the fillColor of a Polygon component. However, if you already have the array morphing function, you can use win.screenshot to get the current screen as a PIL image, which you can supply to numpy.asarray() to get it as an array.
Thank you very much for your advice.
I feel that using win.screenshot or saveMovieFrames is certainly possible. However, this may compromise real-time performance.
For example, while A is holding down a button, the objects on the screen that B is looking at is need to be changed in real-time. Saving a single scene and converting it will take a little longer, so real-time performance will likely be lost.
I am sorry, I forgot to write “in real-time, with as little delay as possible”. I’ll add it.
In order to synchronize the change of Screen B by Screen A, I think we need to output it in ndarray in real-time, what do you think?
In addition, I already have the morphing function using numpy.
What does the morphing algorithm do to the image? If it changes the colours and dimensions of shapes, then this is achievable using Polygon components rather than an image, and would solve the speed problem as it would require far less processing. I can see why it would be frustrating having to rewrite a morphing algorithm when there’s one already available, but if speed is of the essence then I think it’s your best bet.
My morphing algorithm changes the color gradually and dynamically. Also, it changes a shape to another shape dynamically such as a bubble. These are like generative art I think. However, I can’t say anything about the detail because this is one of my research projects.
I know Polygon components have many properties to change its visual. However, my experiment program for participant A based on psychopy transfer its data to participant B screen and Arduino program which control the physical actuators through OSC. To control many actuators, I need to use array style for Arduino in my case.
So, If psychopy’s screen can’t be output as an ndarray, then I am going to think of other approaches.