I am trying to deploy what is essentially a form (tried the Beta Form component but it displayed too wierdly on-line) and eventually stumbled across the ‘Radio Button’ setting of the slider. Yay! And this is a non-beta object so should work predictably. This will be very useful. BUT…
I would like to only show the ‘continue’ button once participants have selected responses for the sliders currently on-screen. Have looked at the doco and can’t find any kind of events that interacting with this object might raise. So… I had a go at hacking something up myself (below)… and this works locally, but not on Pavlovia.
Thanks so much for pointing this out to me! Much appreciated!
Unfortunately this won’t solve my particular proplem since I have two sliders on screen and need some logic to determine when BOTH have recieved input.
Hoping to hear from you at some point so I can move forward.
Hi Dan, for multiple sliders, you just need to use “and”. So for example, in the condition field, you just type Q1_Response.rating and Q2_Response.rating
So I’ve been playing around with this some more this morning. And I seem to have identified a situation where attributes of the slider object (or my code) perform different locally than when deployed to Pavlovia.
I was wondering if the ‘undefined error’ above was due to the order of components (top to bottom) and trying to read a value from a component that hadn’t been created yet - so I copied the ‘Each Frame’ code that interrogates the sliders into a new code component and stuck this below the sliders. This seems to have fixed the problem I had above BUT…
Now - when I run the experiment locally, the <Slidername>.rating variable seems to recieve different values when run locally than on-line.
Locally - it appears that this variable is ‘none’ until I click on a value (see the Stdout box in the image below:
Whereas on Pavlovia, running the same code seems to end up with the variable having some form of value - immediately and without any user input (and immediately instantiates my ‘continue’ button). See console output below.
So I am still looking for a way by which I can programmatically (and reliably) detect user input into each of these two sliders, and then show a ‘continue’ button both locally and on Pavlovia when both have responses.
I hope you don’t mind I’ve removes direct tags to myself and wake, as we try to avoid tagging team members unless 100% necessary (this opens the space for others to have the chance to offer guidance).
Sue Lynn is actually correct in that if you have two sliders with a pop up button appearing when both sliders have a rating, you don’t need any code components. You can just have the “start” field of your button be
slider1.rating and slider2.rating
if that doesn’t work for online use try using
slider1.rating && slider2.rating
if this is causing a problem I suspect it may be because you have “0” as a possible tick on your slider, try using tick values that are greater than 0 only.
Thanks so much - this now works and using the conditional within the button component - rather than coding it - is SO MUCH SIMPLER! I have managed to remove soooooo much code that now that I know this.
(I was previously unaware of the dropdown window in the ‘Start’ field - this adds so much flexibility - that I don’t have to code for.)
Thanks so much for both your help here. Life-savers!