How to ask each respondents to generate new ID manually

OS (12.4).
PsychoPy 2022.2.2
Standard Standalone

**What are you trying to achieve?

The builder is set such that for each initiation of the experiment there is a random number assigned for every participant. How can work around this so that the participant window appears blank but required so that every participant can fill it out with a number manually.

I tried to delete the default setting for participant (attached) which was set to “f”{randint(0, 999999):06.0f}“”, and I added “*” next to participant to make the window required.
However when I put a random ID number for participant and tried to run the experiment and , the experiment aborted with the below message:

filename = thisDir + os.sep + u’data/%s%s_%s’ % (expInfo[‘participant’], expName, expInfo[‘date’])
KeyError: ‘participant’
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:16786] ################

Could you kindly advise on how to address this issue please,
Thanks in advance for your help

Could it be the asterisk? You may need to set the value for your data file name to use ['participant*'] rather than ['participant']

Many thanks for your helpful reply @TParsons. I followed your advise in changing the data file name and the error was gone the experiment was running. However, while the participant window is blank, it is still not required. So participants can press ok and proceed even without filling out the ID number. Is there anyway around this to make it required instead of optional.

Mnay thanks again for your time and help @TParsons

I think the asterisk trick to make a field compulsory works only on Pavlovia, not for Python experiments running locally.

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Thanks @Michael for your reply. I have just tried this out on Pavlovia. However, the problem still exists (the asterisk after the word participant is not making the field compulsory).