I want to compare visual and auditory reaction times. First we will ask participants to press space when they see a specific picture between several pictures. Every picture will be shown for 2 seconds and the time will be calculated when that specific picture is shown till the participant press space in milliseconds. Please tell me that can I do it with a normal PC?(I don’t want the exact time, I just want to compare them.) and what function I should use to measure reaction time in milliseconds?
PsychoPy v1.8
I understand that PsychoPy gives your response data in seconds.
In the Builder, to obtain your data in milliseconds, just add a Code component at the begining of your Routine, and in the End Routine window insert the following line:
thisExp.addData('StimuliResp.RT in ms', StimuliResp.rt * 1000)
where “StimuliResp” is the name for your object to respond to the stimuli (e.g., keyboard; the “in ms” note is useful to distinguish this variable in your data sheet).