I am building an experiment alongside a very similar experiment, so I often cross-reference the properties of each component between them. Unfortunately in PsychoPy Builder it seems you can only have one Component’s Properties window open at once, which means I have to close out of one before I open the corresponding window in the other experiment. This makes it hard to compare them side by side.
Does anyone know a way to keep more than one properties window open at once in the PsychoPy builder?
If you open the second Builder instance by selecting File - New then you can copy components and routines from one to the other, but you can only have one dialogue box open.
If you open the second Builder instance from your shortcut or the start menu then they are separate. You can’t copy PsychoPy objects from one to the other, but you can have more than one dialogue box open.
I have the same request. I am rebuilding an old experiment and want to easily copy over properties from the old elements to the new.
But I cannot open a second Builder instance. When I click on it in the start menu Windows instead puts the already opened on top of the screen.
When I click on the general PsychoPy icon I get the message that another instance is already running.
EDIT: Honestly I wish this limitation was thrown out. I currently want to change how my text element is shown, instead of the location and opacity being hardcoded I wanna make it a variable and control those with a variable in my code element. But I cannot have both open at once, so either I go back and forth between them to copy the information or use something like text editor as an intermediary.