I have three form components in my experiment. For options with free text, I cannot enter any text. I can click on “choice” buttons. I also cannot scroll down or up to view the entire form. The color doesn’t show up as the correct color. I have attached screenshots of all 3 forms as shown locally (which works), Pavlovia (which doesn’t work) as well as their respective excel files. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
We have set up forms in a very similar setting, and we have the scrollbar component of our form that does not work on pavlovia (but still works locally).
We have a JS warning that states : “setting the value of attribute: rating in PsychObject: scrollbar as: undefined”
as well as a lot of other similar JS warning on other PsychObject of the form component.
Maybe it is an issue where the translation from python to JS does not work properly ?
I’ve also had a problem with the scroll feature (its there but does nothing to enable my ability to see the remaining questions. I also have an issue with being able to see the response options. There is no side scroll option to accommodate nor is there a way for me to have the responses appear underneath the questions (while remaining horizontal).
I am including an image of what it looks like below: