Font is displayed arbitrarily as either bold or thin across experiment restarts

OS: Win 10 x64

PsychoPy version: 2023.2.3

Standard Standalone?: Yes

What are you trying to achieve?:
I want the scaling of the font for the instructions and text stimuli to remain constant with each restart of the entire experiment.

What did you try to make it work?:

  • Tried various fonts.
  • Tried different font sizes.
  • Set all graphics card settings to default that could affect full screen display and potentially font scaling.
  • Presented the experiment in both full screen and windowed modes.
  • Set the font size to the shortest decimal value possible (Font unit set to “norm”).

What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
There has been no change in the presentation and scaling of text in the experiment. The scaling appears to vary arbitrarily between restarts, with the font either appearing wider or thinner. Refer to the screenshots for illustration. Unfortunately, no error message or information is displayed (that I can see) to explain why this is happening. I am including the text from the runner console for both the ‘wide’ and ‘thin’ runs.

To fit the console text in this post I removed all lines including “window1: mouseVisible = True”.

Thin Run:
394.1229 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_11_23 18:00’]
pygame 2.1.0 (SDL 2.0.16, Python 3.8.10)
Hello from the pygame community. Contribute - pygame wiki
5.8652 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_11_23 18:00’]
6.9400 WARNING Couldn’t measure a consistent frame rate!

  • Is your graphics card set to sync to vertical blank?
  • Are you running other processes on your computer?

6.9402 EXP Created window1 = Window(allowGUI=True, allowStencil=True, autoLog=True, backendConf=UNKNOWN, backgroundFit=<method-wrapper ‘getattribute’ of attributeSetter object at 0x000001B4893E9160>, backgroundImage=<method-wrapper ‘getattribute’ of attributeSetter object at 0x000001B4893E9100>, bitsMode=UNKNOWN, blendMode=‘avg’, bpc=(8, 8, 8), color=array([-1., -1., -1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, depthBits=8, fullscr=<method-wrapper ‘getattribute’ of attributeSetter object at 0x000001B4893D8FA0>, gamma=None, gammaErrorPolicy=‘raise’, lms=UNKNOWN, monitor=<psychopy.monitors.calibTools.Monitor object at 0x000001B489782C40>, multiSample=False, name=‘window1’, numSamples=2, pos=(0, 0), screen=0, size=array([1920, 1080]), stencilBits=8, stereo=False, title=‘PsychoPy’, units=‘norm’, useFBO=True, useRetina=False, viewOri=0.0, viewPos=None, viewScale=None, waitBlanking=True, winType=‘pyglet’)
6.9403 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
6.9403 EXP window1: backgroundImage = ‘’
6.9403 EXP window1: backgroundFit = ‘none’
6.9418 EXP window1: Attempting to measure frame rate of screen (0) …
6.9418 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = False
7.0080 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = True
7.7040 WARNING Couldn’t measure a consistent frame rate!

  • Is your graphics card set to sync to vertical blank?
  • Are you running other processes on your computer?

7.7041 EXP window1: mouseVisible = False
9.3801 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.3801 EXP EmoFlanker: status = STARTED
9.4673 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.5289 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6079 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6361 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6610 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6611 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
9.6881 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
9.7489 EXP Created iti_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘iti_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
9.8225 EXP Sound tutorial_audio_stim_component set volume 1.000
10.0618 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.0724 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.0974 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1177 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1381 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1582 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1582 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
10.1600 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.1899 EXP Created iti_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘iti_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.1963 EXP Sound main_audio_stim_component set volume 1.000
10.2266 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.2375 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.2492 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
0.0297 EXP key_intro_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP key_intro_text_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP welcome_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP welcome_text_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP intro_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP intro_text_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_1_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_1_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_2_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_2_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP countdown_text_3: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP countdown_text_2: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP countdown_text_1: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP tutorial_fixation_cross: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP tutorial_target_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP tutorial_flanker_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP tutorial_feedback_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_1_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_1_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_2_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_2_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_3_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_3_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_4_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP instruct_main_block_4_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP countdown_text_3: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP countdown_text_2: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP countdown_text_1: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP main_fixation_cross: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP main_target_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP main_flanker_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP main_feedback_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP end_main_block_text: autoLog = True
0.0297 EXP end_rating_text: autoLog = True
0.0372 INFO Keyboard events cleared
0.0369 EXP key_intro_text: autoDraw = True
0.0369 EXP key_intro_text_next_page: autoDraw = True
1.8076 EXP EmoFlanker: status = STOPPED
1.8141 EXP key_intro_text: autoDraw = False
1.8141 EXP key_intro_text_next_page: autoDraw = False
1.8141 EXP EmoFlanker: status = STOPPED
1.8190 INFO saved data to ‘C:\GoogleDrive Offline\Arbeit\Masterarbeit\01_code\data/025692_EmoFlanker_2023-11-30_09h23.55.845.csv’
1.8195 INFO saved data to C:\GoogleDrive Offline\Arbeit\Masterarbeit\01_code\data/025692_EmoFlanker_2023-11-30_09h23.55.845.psydat
1.8262 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
1.0550 WARNING Monitor specification not found. Creating a temporary one…
ioHub Server Process Completed With Code: 0
################# Experiment ended with exit code 0 [pid:4092] #################
408.5821 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_11_23 18:00’]

wide Run:
658.1388 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_11_23 18:00’]
pygame 2.1.0 (SDL 2.0.16, Python 3.8.10)
Hello from the pygame community. Contribute - pygame wiki
5.8494 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_11_23 18:00’]
6.8856 WARNING Couldn’t measure a consistent frame rate!

  • Is your graphics card set to sync to vertical blank?
  • Are you running other processes on your computer?

6.8859 EXP Created window1 = Window(allowGUI=True, allowStencil=True, autoLog=True, backendConf=UNKNOWN, backgroundFit=<method-wrapper ‘getattribute’ of attributeSetter object at 0x000001A97613A280>, backgroundImage=<method-wrapper ‘getattribute’ of attributeSetter object at 0x000001A97613A220>, bitsMode=UNKNOWN, blendMode=‘avg’, bpc=(8, 8, 8), color=array([-1., -1., -1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, depthBits=8, fullscr=<method-wrapper ‘getattribute’ of attributeSetter object at 0x000001A97613A070>, gamma=None, gammaErrorPolicy=‘raise’, lms=UNKNOWN, monitor=<psychopy.monitors.calibTools.Monitor object at 0x000001A9764D2D60>, multiSample=False, name=‘window1’, numSamples=2, pos=(0, 0), screen=0, size=array([1920, 1080]), stencilBits=8, stereo=False, title=‘PsychoPy’, units=‘norm’, useFBO=True, useRetina=False, viewOri=0.0, viewPos=None, viewScale=None, waitBlanking=True, winType=‘pyglet’)
6.8860 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
6.8860 EXP window1: backgroundImage = ‘’
6.8860 EXP window1: backgroundFit = ‘none’
6.8877 EXP window1: Attempting to measure frame rate of screen (0) …
6.8878 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = False
6.9570 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = True
7.6535 WARNING Couldn’t measure a consistent frame rate!

  • Is your graphics card set to sync to vertical blank?
  • Are you running other processes on your computer?

7.6536 EXP window1: mouseVisible = False
9.3291 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.3291 EXP EmoFlanker: status = STARTED
9.4581 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.5436 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6301 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6617 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6880 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
9.6882 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
9.7149 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
9.7744 EXP Created iti_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘iti_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
9.8480 EXP Sound tutorial_audio_stim_component set volume 1.000
10.0905 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1009 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.1294 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1501 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1701 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1903 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.1903 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
10.1919 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.2217 EXP Created iti_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘iti_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.2281 EXP Sound main_audio_stim_component set volume 1.000
10.2579 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
10.2685 EXP Created wrap_blank = TextStim(class=<class ‘psychopy.visual.text.TextStim’>, alignHoriz=method-wrapper(…), alignText=‘center’, alignVert=method-wrapper(…), anchorHoriz=‘center’, anchorVert=‘center’, antialias=True, autoDraw=False, autoLog=True, bold=False, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace=‘rgb’, contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, draggable=False, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font=‘Open Sans’, fontFiles=, height=0.05, italic=False, languageStyle=‘LTR’, name=‘wrap_blank’, opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=UNKNOWN, text=‘’, units=‘norm’, win=Window(…), wrapWidth=1)
10.2792 INFO keyboard.Keyboard is using iohub backend.
0.0286 EXP key_intro_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP key_intro_text_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP welcome_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP welcome_text_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP intro_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP intro_text_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_1_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_1_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_2_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_tutorial_block_2_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP countdown_text_3: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP countdown_text_2: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP countdown_text_1: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP tutorial_fixation_cross: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP tutorial_target_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP tutorial_flanker_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP tutorial_feedback_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_1_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_1_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_2_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_2_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_3_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_3_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_4_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP instruct_main_block_4_next_page: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP countdown_text_3: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP countdown_text_2: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP countdown_text_1: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP main_fixation_cross: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP main_target_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP main_flanker_textbox: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP main_feedback_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP end_main_block_text: autoLog = True
0.0286 EXP end_rating_text: autoLog = True
0.0360 INFO Keyboard events cleared
0.0358 EXP key_intro_text: autoDraw = True
0.0358 EXP key_intro_text_next_page: autoDraw = True
3.2054 EXP EmoFlanker: status = STOPPED
3.2117 EXP key_intro_text: autoDraw = False
3.2117 EXP key_intro_text_next_page: autoDraw = False
3.2117 EXP EmoFlanker: status = STOPPED
3.2166 INFO saved data to ‘C:\GoogleDrive Offline\Arbeit\Masterarbeit\01_code\data/364362_EmoFlanker_2023-11-30_09h28.19.791.csv’
3.2171 INFO saved data to C:\GoogleDrive Offline\Arbeit\Masterarbeit\01_code\data/364362_EmoFlanker_2023-11-30_09h28.19.791.psydat
3.2238 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
1.0581 WARNING Monitor specification not found. Creating a temporary one…
ioHub Server Process Completed With Code: 0
################# Experiment ended with exit code 0 [pid:2596] #################
674.1065 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2023_11_23 18:00’]

Thanks in advance!