I am trying to create an experiment involving multiple condition files. The participant has to use their keyboard to choose whether a dot is on the left or right side of the target shape. I created my condition files, but am struggling to figure out how to create the actual routine. So far, I have these parameters:
condition files
condition_files = [‘green_circle.xlsx’, ‘green_diamond.xlsx’, ‘red_diamond.xlsx’, ‘green_square.xlsx’, ‘red_square.xlsx’, ‘green_hexagon.xlsx’, ‘red_hexagon.xlsx’]
condition_file = condition_files[0]
nBlock = 12
colors= {‘blue’:‘#00d2ff’,‘red’:‘#FF0000’,‘green’:‘#00a900’}
item positions
#r = .33
#all_positions = [(0.33, 0.0),(0.23, 0.23),(0, 0.33),(-0.23, 0.23),(-0.33, 0),(-0.23, -0.23),(0, -0.33),(0.23, -0.23)]
all_positions = [(0.33, 0.0),(0, 0.33),(-0.33, 0),(0, -0.33)]
dot offsets
dot_offsets = [-.04, .04, -.04, .04]
item sizes
size_circle = .116 # d
size_diamond = (.089,.089)
size_square = (.1, .1)
size_hexagon = (.122,.122)
size_dot = 0.01
size_fixation = .089 # d
size_box = (.15,.15)
instruction text size
text_size = .03
text_wrap = 1
These are what two of my condition files look like.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!