OS : Windows 10 64-bit
PsychoPy version : PsychoPy v2020.1.3
Standard Standalone? : (y)
What are you trying to achieve?: I am using builder + code to create a task where participants have to locate a target shape (either a square or diamond) among 0-5 other non-target shapes, in 6 fixed positions. They also have to ignore a potential distractor shape that appears on the left or right side of the display (4 levels: square, diamond, triangle, or blank image, i.e., no distractor appears).
The target and non-targets can randomly appear in any of the 6 fixed positions but without overlapping (e.g., target appears in position 1, so non-targets appear in position 2-6), and 0 to 5 non-targets should randomly appear from trial-to-trial.
What did you try to make it work?:
In my conditions file, I created 8 types of trials, from combining 2 target shapes x 4 distractors. This is where I specified the image path files for these 6 images. The only things I specified were image paths (“targetShape”, “distShape”) and the correct key response (“corrAns”).
In builder, I added image components for a target, distractor, and 5 non-targets.
In the code under Begin Experiment, I defined the non-target image path files (plus a blank image):
# define ntargs images
n_hex ='C:/Users/ronda/Google Drive/grad/projects/11 new PL study/python ver/stim/ntarg/hex.png'
n_penta1 ='C:/Users/ronda/Google Drive/grad/projects/11 new PL study/python ver/stim/ntarg/penta1.png'
n_penta2 ='C:/Users/ronda/Google Drive/grad/projects/11 new PL study/python ver/stim/ntarg/penta2.png'
n_tri1 ='C:/Users/ronda/Google Drive/grad/projects/11 new PL study/python ver/stim/ntarg/tri1.png'
n_tri2 ='C:/Users/ronda/Google Drive/grad/projects/11 new PL study/python ver/stim/ntarg/tri2.png'
blank = 'C:/Users/ronda/Google Drive/grad/projects/11 new PL study/builder and code ver/stim/blank.png'
And I also created lists for non-target images, distractor positions, target/non-target positions, and load (set size of overall targets/non-targets presented).
# define lists
ntargList = [n_hex,n_penta1,n_penta2,n_tri1,n_tri2]
distPosList = [(-100,0),(100,0)]
targPosList = [(0,50),(50,25),(50,-25),(0,-50),(-50,-25),(-50,25)]
loadList = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Under Begin Routine, I shuffled the lists, and selected a random load, target position, and distractor position and assigned them to new variables.
# select random load
randLoad = loadList[0]
# select random targ pos
randTargPos = targPosList[0]
# select random dist pos
randDistPos = distPosList[0]
In Builder mode, I made sure target (and distractor) image components had the following parameters:
Image: “$targShape”
Position: “randTargPos”
Size/Orientation: blank
Opacity: 1
Units: From exp settings
And then in the remaining Begin Routine code, I created if else statements to determine how many non target shapes will appear, which positions, which images, depending on which random load number I get:
# load 0
if randLoad < 1:
nTarg1Img = blank
nTarg1Pos = targPosList[1]
nTarg2Img = blank
nTarg2Pos = targPosList[2]
nTarg3Img = blank
nTarg3Pos = targPosList[3]
nTarg4Img = blank
nTarg4Pos = targPosList[4]
nTarg5Img = blank
nTarg5Pos = targPosList[5]
# load 1
elif randLoad < 2 and randLoad > 0:
nTarg1Img = nTargList[0]
nTarg1Pos = targPosList[1]
nTarg2Img = blank
nTarg2Pos = targPosList[2]
nTarg3Img = blank
nTarg3Pos = targPosList[3]
nTarg4Img = blank
nTarg4Pos = targPosList[4]
nTarg5Img = blank
nTarg5Pos = targPosList[5]
# load 2
elif randLoad < 3 and randLoad > 1:
nTarg1Img = nTargList[0]
nTarg1Pos = targPosList[1]
nTarg2Img = nTargList[1]
nTarg2Pos = targPosList[2]
nTarg3Img = blank
nTarg3Pos = targPosList[3]
nTarg4Img = blank
nTarg4Pos = targPosList[4]
nTarg5Img = blank
nTarg5Pos = targPosList[5]
# load 3
elif randLoad < 4 and randLoad > 2:
nTarg1Img = nTargList[0]
nTarg1Pos = targPosList[1]
nTarg2Img = nTargList[1]
nTarg2Pos = targPosList[2]
nTarg3Img = nTargList[2]
nTarg3Pos = targPosList[3]
nTarg4Img = blank
nTarg4Pos = targPosList[4]
nTarg5Img = blank
nTarg5Pos = targPosList[5]
# load 4
elif randLoad < 5 and randLoad > 3:
nTarg1Img = nTargList[0]
nTarg1Pos = targPosList[1]
nTarg2Img = nTargList[1]
nTarg2Pos = targPosList[2]
nTarg3Img = nTargList[2]
nTarg3Pos = targPosList[3]
nTarg4Img = nTargList[3]
nTarg4Pos = targPosList[4]
nTarg5Img = blank
nTarg5Pos = targPosList[5]
# load 5
nTarg1Img = nTargList[0]
nTarg1Pos = targPosList[1]
nTarg2Img = nTargList[1]
nTarg2Pos = targPosList[2]
nTarg3Img = nTargList[2]
nTarg3Pos = targPosList[3]
nTarg4Img = nTargList[3]
nTarg4Pos = targPosList[4]
nTarg5Img = nTargList[4]
nTarg5Pos = targPosList[5]
And then in Builder I made sure all my non-target image components “Image”/“Position” parameters was set to nTargImg1 + nTarg1Pos, with other parameters being the same as the above target/distractor.
After running this experiment file, I received 2 errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\ronda\Google Drive\grad\projects\11 new PL study\builder and code ver\working version_lastrun.py", line 91, in <module>
texRes=128, interpolate=True, depth=0.0)
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy3\lib\site-packages\psychopy\visual\image.py", line 90, in __init__
self.ori = float(ori)
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
Line 91 refers to this in the compiled experiment script:
# Initialize components for Routine "criticalTrials"
criticalTrialsClock = core.Clock()
critTarget = visual.ImageStim(
image='sin', mask=None,
ori=None, pos=[0,0], size=None,
color=[1,1,1], colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1,
flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False,
texRes=128, interpolate=True, depth=0.0) ########### line 91
Line 90 refers to the image.py associated with the experiment(? not sure):
# Other stuff
self._imName = image
self.isLumImage = None
self.interpolate = interpolate
self.flipHoriz = flipHoriz
self.flipVert = flipVert
self._requestedSize = size
self._origSize = None # updated if an image texture gets loaded
self.size = val2array(size)
self.pos = numpy.array(pos, float)
self.ori = float(ori) ############# line 90
self.depth = depth
I haven’t a clue as to what these lines of code are referring to! If anyone could help me on this matter, I’d deeply appreciate it!