Finding timing information in Coder


I have a question about finding information on an experiment initially built in Builder view that is now on Coder. I initially built this task in PsychoPy Builder, then adapted it to run online on Pavlovia, and then finally added some EyeLink integration components in the Coder view to run it on EyeLink (so it has changed a lot since I first made it). Now that I am only working on it through Coder, I wanted to go back and check the timing of some events, such as an image stimuli duration.

I see the routineTimer.add(2.0000) type of code for some routines and not for others (for example, the fixation cross and the mask should stay on for 2 seconds each). I also know that I have timers for other events and they are on for the correct amount of time (e.g. 1.5 seconds for Triplet 1, Triplet 2 and Triplet 3). I know some are the correct timing from the output and the onset/offset messages, however, I don’t know how to see it from the code itself.

I couldn’t check for the timing this way for all events, because some of my offset timing is reported as ‘None’ in the data file. I learned from this forum that this can happen in the older versions (because the timer ends after the routine is done, it is explained here: Not getting end time some of the stimuli in my routine (displays 'None' instead of a timestamp)). So I downloaded the newest version of PsychoPy in the hopes that I can get this information (silly when you have an ongoing experiment, I know!). Now my program won’t run and will freeze during trial 1. I believe it may be related to a corrupt file issue, I am trying some solutions outlined here:

Currently, because the experiment doesn’t run I can’t test out whether the data now stores okay or if adding new timers would be a good solution. I wanted to ask if anyone had any insight on how I can find the timing information just from the script while I troubleshoot the other stuff. My updated project file can be found at: GitHub - baharsener/EyeTracking_PictureGame: Memory task

Best regards,