Eyetracking with web gazer still functional?

Hi all,

Does the eye tracking with web gazer demo still work?

I had some students download psychopy this semester, and they all got hung up on downloading the supporting libraries. My own version that is already installed throws an error saying RuntimeError: Error starting ioHub server: ioHub startup failed.

Just wanted to check to see if this is still a working demo since I know some innate eye tracking features have been added.


Hi There,

To my knowledge yes it is! are you downloading the one maintained by the demos group?
That iohub error sounds like a different issue to do with the new release (to prevent it go to :experiment_settings: >input and change the keyboard backend)


We are using one we downloaded from pavlovia. I don’t see one in the demos tab on psychopy. Is that the one you recommend?

Hi JJ,

Yes I would say if you could download this one demos / demo_eye_tracking2 · GitLab it will stay maintained by the team (it’s the version that we now use in workshops!)

Hope this helps,
