Hey there,
I got a problem with the calibration of the eyetracker using the demo script (iohub/stroop_eyetracking). After the setup I tried to run the script and came to the point where the calibration starts. On the Screen just before hitting the spacebar the points on the line respond to the eyemovement. When I press the spacebar to continue, the calibration starts but freezes just after the outer ring converges halfway towards the point in the middel.
I run the experiment on:
-Win 7
-Psychopy 1.8.4 (Standalone)
- Eyetracker: Tobii X2-60
It seems to me similar to the problem posted in the google-group here but this script doesn’t change the problem cause it was implemented in to the last psychopy release…
So I’m a bit stuck with it now… any ideas?
Thank’s for your support!