OS: macOS 14.6.1
PsychoPy version: 2024.2.3
Standard Standalone? (y/n): y
What are you trying to achieve?: In this program, participants watch a video, then press a button with their answer (Y or N), while their eyes are being tracked. The eye tracker component starts with each trial (when the video starts playing) and stops when the button is pressed, which ends the trial.
Problem: Everything seemed to be working fine, there are no error messages when running this program, but the eye tracker component isn’t really tracking the eyes for the whole duration of the trials. It starts tracking when the video is played, but then stops tracking about a second later, even without any buttons being pushed. I tried trouble-shooting it by checking each component individually and going through different settings, like inputs (ioHub, PsychToolbox, etc), order of the components in the builder, and checking the eye tracker itself to see if it worked with other programs (it did). The older version of this program (built on PsychoPy 2022) still works, but since the eye tracker component became an add-on I haven’t been able to make the newer versions of the program (made from scratch in newer versions of PsychoPy) work.
The eye tracker being used is the EyeLink 1000 with the SR Research add-on.
Any idea on how to solve this issue is much appreciated!