Error when syncing Psychopy to Pavlovia

Description of the problem:
I am trying to sync my experiment from builder in Psychopy to Pavlovia, but receive the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 110, in onSync
File “/Applications/”, line 508, in syncProject
File “/Applications/”, line 96, in showCommitDialog
File “/Applications/”, line 897, in getChanges
File “/Applications/”, line 656, in untracked_files
File “/Applications/”, line 682, in _get_untracked_files
File “/Applications/”, line 333, in finalize_process
File “/Applications/”, line 415, in wait
git.exc.GitCommandError: Cmd(‘/Applications/’) failed due to: exit code(128)
cmdline: /Applications/ status —porcelain —untracked-files
stderr: ‘fatal: bad object HEAD

Apologies, this is my first time using Psychopy with Pavlovia and I am very new to this!

Maybe this could work: remove a folder named “.git” inside your experiment and sync again. PsychoPy will ask you to create new project.

Thank you for your response. However, I can’t seem to find a folder named ‘.git’ inside the experiment folder?

You need to view hidden files. Alternatively you could copy the psyexp file and your images, spreadsheets, etc. to a new folder, test locally and try to sync again when the Pavlovia server is back up.


Thank you for your response. I have moved the files into a new folder and run on Psychopy. I now get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 110, in onSync
File “/Applications/”, line 1318, in project
File “/Applications/”, line 1065, in getProject
File “/Applications/”, line 124, in init
git.exc.NoSuchPathError: /Users/frankiepatterson/Desktop/version 1.2 error

I think it’s best to avoid the Desktop as well as cloud storage folders.

Best wishes


I have moved the folder to downloads and received the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 110, in onSync
File “/Applications/”, line 1318, in project
File “/Applications/”, line 1065, in getProject
File “/Applications/”, line 124, in init
git.exc.NoSuchPathError: /Users/frankiepatterson/Downloads/version 1.2 error

Did you create your account after 4th Jan?

No, it was created before then