Error when loading the Pavlovia Dashboard - Error_500

Hi everyone!
I had some trouble initiating the Pavlovia site. When loading the Pavlovia Dashboard, an error occurred: 500 Internal Server Error, The server encountered an internal error and could not complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
I checked the previous posts in the forum and found it is likely to be this error with this post,

Error 500 Pavlovia

Thank you in advance for your help.

I got the same error message! I was planning to post my experiment. Hope it gets resolved soon!

I can’t sign into pavlovia since this afternoon. Changing to another browser didn’t help.

I’ve alerted @apitiot

Dear all,

We are back up, and I am investigating the cause of the temporary issue.
With my apologies.



Hi, the error seems to be back today
EDIT: seems rather intermittent - now it’s gone

We’re looking into it. There appears to be a very heavy server load related to surveys.

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Thanks @wakecarter for the update - I see that the site is down when logged in. I will wait.

I believe I have found the issue and remediated it.
It was linked to someone being very naughty indeed and their behaviour clogging the pipes at irregular intervals. I have contacted them for a little chat.
