Error in a loop of images in online version only

Thanks again

 * Untitled Test *

import { PsychoJS } from './lib/core-3.0.0b9.js';
import * as core from './lib/core-3.0.0b9.js';
import { TrialHandler } from './lib/data-3.0.0b9.js';
import { Scheduler } from './lib/util-3.0.0b9.js';
import * as util from './lib/util-3.0.0b9.js';
import * as visual from './lib/visual-3.0.0b9.js';

// init psychoJS:
var psychoJS = new PsychoJS({
  debug: true

// open window:
  fullscr: true,
  color: new util.Color([0, 0, 0]),
  units: 'use prefs'

// store info about the experiment session:
let expName = 'untitled';  // from the Builder filename that created this script
let expInfo = {'participant': '', 'session': '001'};

// schedule the experiment:
  dictionary: expInfo,
  title: expName

const flowScheduler = new Scheduler(psychoJS);
const dialogCancelScheduler = new Scheduler(psychoJS);
psychoJS.scheduleCondition(function() { return (psychoJS.gui.dialogComponent.button === 'OK'); }, flowScheduler, dialogCancelScheduler);

// flowScheduler gets run if the participants presses OK
flowScheduler.add(updateInfo); // add timeStamp

// quit if user presses Cancel in dialog box:

psychoJS.start({configURL: 'config.json', expInfo: expInfo});

var frameDur;
function updateInfo() {
  expInfo['date'] = util.MonotonicClock.getDateStr();  // add a simple timestamp
  expInfo['expName'] = expName;

  // store frame rate of monitor if we can measure it successfully
  expInfo['frameRate'] = psychoJS.window.getActualFrameRate();
  if (typeof expInfo['frameRate'] !== 'undefined')
    frameDur = 1.0/Math.round(expInfo['frameRate']);
    frameDur = 1.0/60.0; // couldn't get a reliable measure so guess

  // add info from the URL:

  return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

var trialClock;
var image;
var mouse;
var globalClock;
var routineTimer;
function experimentInit() {
  // Initialize components for Routine "trial"
  trialClock = new util.Clock();
  image = new visual.ImageStim({
    win : psychoJS.window,
    name : 'image', 
    image : 'picture1.png', mask : undefined,
    ori : 0, pos : [0, 0], size : [0.5, 0.5],
    color : new util.Color ([1, 1, 1]), opacity : 1,
    flipHoriz : false, flipVert : false,
    texRes : 128, interpolate : true, depth : 0.0 
  mouse = new core.Mouse({
    win: psychoJS.window,
  mouse.mouseClock = new util.Clock();
  // Create some handy timers
  globalClock = new util.Clock();  // to track the time since experiment started
  routineTimer = new util.CountdownTimer();  // to track time remaining of each (non-slip) routine
  return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

var t;
var frameN;
var gotValidClick;
var trialComponents;
function trialRoutineBegin() {
  //------Prepare to start Routine 'trial'-------
  t = 0;
  trialClock.reset(); // clock
  frameN = -1;
  // update component parameters for each repeat
  // setup some python lists for storing info about the mouse
  mouse.clicked_name = [];
  gotValidClick = false; // until a click is received
  image.setPos([0, 0])
  // keep track of which components have finished
  trialComponents = [];
  for (const thisComponent of trialComponents)
    if ('status' in thisComponent)
      thisComponent.status = PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED;
  return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

var continueRoutine;
function trialRoutineEachFrame() {
  //------Loop for each frame of Routine 'trial'-------
  let continueRoutine = true; // until we're told otherwise
  // get current time
  t = trialClock.getTime();
  frameN = frameN + 1;// number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame)
  // update/draw components on each frame
  // *image* updates
  if (t >= 0.0 && image.status === PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED) {
    // keep track of start time/frame for later
    image.tStart = t;  // (not accounting for frame time here)
    image.frameNStart = frameN;  // exact frame index
  for (let blockName in mouse.clicked_image) {
      if (mouse.clicked_image[blockName] == image.image) {
          image.setPos([1, 1]);
  // check if the Routine should terminate
  if (!continueRoutine) {  // a component has requested a forced-end of Routine
    return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
  continueRoutine = false;// reverts to True if at least one component still running
  for (const thisComponent of trialComponents)
    if ('status' in thisComponent && thisComponent.status != PsychoJS.Status.FINISHED) {
      continueRoutine = true;
  // check for quit (the Esc key)
  if (psychoJS.experiment.experimentEnded || psychoJS.eventManager.getKeys({keyList:['escape']}).length > 0) {
    psychoJS.quit('The [Escape] key was pressed. Goodbye!');
  // refresh the screen if continuing
  if (continueRoutine) {
    return Scheduler.Event.FLIP_REPEAT;
  else {
    return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

function trialRoutineEnd() {
  //------Ending Routine 'trial'-------
  for (const thisComponent of trialComponents) {
    if (typeof thisComponent.setAutoDraw === 'function') {
  // store data for thisExp (ExperimentHandler)
  // the Routine "trial" was not non-slip safe, so reset the non-slip timer
  return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

function endLoopIteration(thisTrial) {
  // ------Prepare for next entry------
  return function () {
    if (typeof thisTrial === 'undefined' || !('isTrials' in thisTrial) || thisTrial.isTrials) {
  return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

function importTrialAttributes(thisTrial) {
  return function () {

    return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;

function quitPsychoJS() {

  return Scheduler.Event.QUIT;

Ok, not sure what is happening tbh. Try this example attached and see how they differ. For the png files, just make some quick colors images in paint and match them to the filenames in the cond sheet i.e., red.png etc.

cond.xlsx (7.8 KB)
imLoop.psyexp (7.1 KB)

@dvbridges, thanks for this. I ran the experiment you posted and the images move as expected. I’ll take a more thorough look at this and try to make it work for my needs, but this is super helpful.

Hi There,

I am experiencing a similiar problem as amr’s first question, with the error code:

  • when setting the autoDraw attribute of stimulus: image
  • the PIXI representation of the stimulus is unavailable

Psychopy version - 3.07
Windows version - 10; 64 bit

Description of the problem :

In the above solution it seemed this was fixed by changing the image to set every repeat. In my experiment the images are set to load during an ISI, as previously it was struggling to load fast enough.

If you could please advise any steps I might be able to take to resolve this error that’d be much appreciated.

Apologies, forgot to post link to experiment, please see below.

For anyone who finds this thread via search like I did.

I was also getting the error:

  • when setting the autoDraw attribute of stimulus: image
  • the PIXI representation of the stimulus is unavailable

I had recently updated my conditions .xlsx file to include rows which were missing, but was still getting this error.

I restarted psychopy and cleared my browser cache and the error resolved itself. Maybe the experiment was using an old version of the conditions file and clearing the cache forced it to to use the updated version.