Hi all,
I needed to transfer my experiment to a different computer but I’m having some problems with it. The experiment was originally made on Psychopy 2022.2.2, and this computer has Psychopy 3 and Psychopy 2021.2.3 installed. I am working off of the Psychopy 2021.2.3 version, but I selected the 2022.2.2 version in the experiment settings. My issue is that my experiment won’t start - it cuts out right away and I get the following long error message. I’m not very familiar with coding, so I don’t even know where to start to fix whatever is going on…any help would be appreciated, thank you!
158.2080 WARNING Monitor specification not found. Creating a temporary one...
158.5170 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from ['2020_01_23 16:19']
272.5204 WARNING Parameter 'keyboardBackend' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5281 WARNING Parameter 'plConfidenceThreshold' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5352 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilCaptureRecordingEnabled' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5423 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilCaptureRecordingLocation' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5496 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilRemoteAddress' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5568 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilRemotePort' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5642 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilRemoteTimeoutMs' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5714 WARNING Parameter 'plPupillometryOnly' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5788 WARNING Parameter 'plSurfaceName' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5915 WARNING Parameter 'anchor' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.5992 WARNING Parameter 'volume' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.6068 WARNING Parameter 'anchor' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.6148 WARNING Parameter 'volume' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.6316 EXP Imported ABAstim/trials_listABAf.xlsx as conditions, 32 conditions, 3 params
272.6316 WARNING duplicate variable names: trial
272.6332 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from ['2020_01_23 16:19']
272.6451 WARNING Parameter 'keyboardBackend' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.6833 WARNING Parameter 'plConfidenceThreshold' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.6915 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilCaptureRecordingEnabled' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.6996 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilCaptureRecordingLocation' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7076 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilRemoteAddress' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7157 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilRemotePort' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7240 WARNING Parameter 'plPupilRemoteTimeoutMs' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7322 WARNING Parameter 'plPupillometryOnly' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7405 WARNING Parameter 'plSurfaceName' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7547 WARNING Parameter 'anchor' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7635 WARNING Parameter 'volume' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7725 WARNING Parameter 'anchor' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
272.7813 WARNING Parameter 'volume' is not known to this version of PsychoPy but has come from your experiment file (saved by a future version of PsychoPy?). This experiment may not run correctly in the current version.
Generating PsychoPy script...
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
PTB-INFO: Using modified PortAudio V19.6.0-devel, revision unknown
6.5489 WARNING Code color spec for 'PsychopyLight' not found, reverting to PsychopyLight
7.6029 WARNING Speech-to-text recognition using Google online services is not available (use command `pip install google-api-core google-auth google-cloud google-cloud-speech googleapis-common-protos` to get it). Transcription will be unavailable using that service this session.
7.7764 WARNING We strongly recommend you activate the PTB sound engine in PsychoPy prefs as the preferred audio engine. Its timing is vastly superior. Your prefs are currently set to use ['sounddevice', 'PTB', 'pyo', 'pygame'] (in that order).
7.9902 WARNING duplicate variable names: trial
## Running: C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\Desktop\041.ElizabethCapstone\Experiment Stimuli\FamiliarizationStim\041SROP_vO_familiarization_final_lastrun.py ##
272.7998 EXP Imported ABAstim/trials_listABAf.xlsx as conditions, 32 conditions, 3 params
272.7998 WARNING duplicate variable names: trial
272.8230 INFO C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\python.exe -m psychopy.scripts.psyexpCompile C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\Desktop\041.ElizabethCapstone\Experiment Stimuli\FamiliarizationStim\041SROP_vO_familiarization_final.psyexp -o C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\Desktop\041.ElizabethCapstone\Experiment Stimuli\FamiliarizationStim\041SROP_vO_familiarization_final_lastrun.py -v 2022.2.2
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
not_found count 1:
('use_keymap', 'psychopy')
## Device was not started by the ioHub Server: Keyboard
Error during device creation ....
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\server.py", line 675, in createNewMonitoredDevice
raise ioHubError('Device config validation failed')
psychopy.iohub.errors.ioHubError: ioHubError:
Args: ('Device config validation failed',)
Error during device creation ....
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\server.py", line 675, in createNewMonitoredDevice
raise ioHubError('Device config validation failed')
psychopy.iohub.errors.ioHubError: ioHubError:
Args: ('Device config validation failed',)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\server.py", line 601, in _addDevices
self.createNewMonitoredDevice(dev_cls_name, dev_conf)
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\server.py", line 680, in createNewMonitoredDevice
raise ioHubError('Error during device creation ....')
psychopy.iohub.errors.ioHubError: ioHubError:
Args: ('Error during device creation ....',)
GET_DEV_INTERFACE_ERROR: _getRPCInterface returned: None
GET_DEV_INTERFACE_ERROR: _getRPCInterface returned: None
1.4756 WARNING Speech-to-text recognition using Google online services is not available (use command `pip install google-api-core google-auth google-cloud google-cloud-speech googleapis-common-protos` to get it). Transcription will be unavailable using that service this session.
Error in ioSever.shutdown():
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\iohub\server.py", line 971, in shutdown
del self._hookManager
AttributeError: _hookManager
ioHub Server Process Completed With Code: 0
_addDeviceView: Error adding class.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\AppData\Roaming\psychopy3\versions\psychopy\iohub\client\__init__.py", line 1098, in _addDeviceView
d = local_class(self, dev_cls_name, dev_config)
File "C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\AppData\Roaming\psychopy3\versions\psychopy\iohub\client\keyboard.py", line 205, in __init__
self._reporting = self.isReportingEvents()
File "C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\AppData\Roaming\psychopy3\versions\psychopy\iohub\client\__init__.py", line 153, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError(self, name)
AttributeError: (<psychopy.iohub.client.keyboard.Keyboard object at 0x000002B0A55B5C50>, 'isReportingEvents')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\Desktop\041.ElizabethCapstone\Experiment Stimuli\FamiliarizationStim\041SROP_vO_familiarization_final_lastrun.py", line 312, in <module>
if endExpNow or defaultKeyboard.getKeys(keyList=["escape"]):
File "C:\Users\PSCH-karams-member\AppData\Roaming\psychopy3\versions\psychopy\hardware\keyboard.py", line 310, in getKeys
key_events = Keyboard._iohubKeyboard.getReleases(keys=watchForKeys, clear=clear)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getReleases'
##### Experiment ended. #####