Would anyone help me with the silder response problem I have encountered recently with online experiment. I have searched in google for a while, but failed to find the answer. I appologize that if someone already solved this problem somewhere. If someone could point to a solution for me, that is much appreciated.
Description of the problem:
I used Wakecarter’s interactive silder demo and created a silder that allow the keyboard control (right/left keys).
If you have routines or experiments that are likely to be useful to others, please create a post in this thread, editing your post to add new demos so there is one post per creator. Ideally set your demos so they can be tested without consuming a credit (if you don’t have a site license) by adding a final routine that can’t end, disabling save incomplete results and adding a small number of credits.
Please do not discuss the demos in this thread or create more than one post unless you have a la…
However I found out, the mouse can also control the silder both online and in builder. I would like to disable mouse for the silder response. Is there a way to do that?
Thank you in advance!
Hello Catherine,
I am not sure whether this is sufficient but you could hide the mouse. See here for various ways to achieve that.
URL of experiment: [https://pavlovia.org/run/AkaiRed/lr_2afc/html/ ] (press ‘g’ to start)
Version of PsychoPy: PsychoPy3 v2020.1.3
Description of the problem:
Hi Everyone.
I’m building an online experiment (thanks to the devlopers, it was so easy and fluent)
and looking for a way to hide mouse cursor during the experiment.
It doesn’t show up on my local settings, the problem occurs only when I run online exp.
[Hide mouse cursor in online experiment ]
I’ve checked the post above, tried solu…
Best wishes Jens
If you are using the iSlider then try removing the following lines of code from Each Frame
# End routine with mouse
elif newRating > -999 and mouse.isPressedIn(marker):
# Move slider with mouse
elif slider_background.contains(mouse) and mouse.getPos()[slider_orientation] != mouseRec[slider_orientation]:
newRating = round((mouseRec[0]/slider_width*(slider_ticks[-1]-slider_ticks[0])+(slider_ticks[0]+slider_ticks[-1])/2),slider_decimals)
sliding = 0
For the other slider remove the following from slider_code Each Frame
elif slider.markerPos and mouse.isPressedIn(slider_shape):
# Move slider on hover
elif slider_shape.contains(mouse) and mouse.getPos()[slider_orientation] != mouseRec[slider_orientation]:
sliding = 0
Hello JensBoelte,
Thank you very much for pointing out this. It worked with my paradigm!
Thank you Wakecarter for the responses. They are very helpful.