My experiment is behaving differently in python than in js. For some reason, js is shortening and skipping entire routines? No idea why. None of the routines have mouse or keyboard components, they should just appear sequentially. They are all image based - I change the position of an imagestim to make it appear as if an animal is moving. In python, every routine is shown for the correct amount of time. In Js, I see Flying_Bird then Wind then it skips all the others and goes to the Blue routine at the far right.
Can you please provide the experiment?
It’s difficult to assist you without getting more context such as, how your routines looks like, what components they have, if you have a spreadsheet etc…
Yes apologies, here it is: CIExperimentMarch2024.psyexp (1.0 MB)
Basically, I present a series of animations (broken), then ask the user questions about what they saw, then allow them to interact with the animals (also broken), ask them more questions, then do the same thing again with a different setting/animals.
I wrote it in an earlier version of PsychoPy and these errors have only appeared since updating.
A little more detail: I added in three test blocks (t1, t2, t3). Each has only a text component (‘test1’, ‘test2’, ‘test3’). When running the experiment, I see Consent, Welcome, Instructions, and t1, but then t2, t3, Flying_Bird, and Groundhog_3 are skipped and the next routine I see is Wind.
I don’t understand why the three t’s would not play one after the other. I’ve seen in some other posts that having mouse clicks or keyboard responses prior can sometimes cause routine skipping, so I put a loop with 0 repetitions around the Consent, Welcome, Instructions routines, and still t1 played but t2, t3, etc were skipped. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.