'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'append'

Im am trying to use:
trials.saveAsWideText(resfile, delim= ‘;’, fileCollisionMethod=‘rename’, encoding=‘utf-8’)
but the results are not saved and I get the error message
Attribute Error trials.saveAsWideText(resfile, delim= ‘;’, fileCollisionMethod=‘rename’, encoding=‘utf-8’)
in teh line
File C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\Lib\site-packages\psychopy\data\trial.py:694 in saveAsWideText
df = df.append(nextEntry, ignore_index=True)

I figured that the append method is not valid anymore, am I using the wrong combination of python and psychopy? My Python is 3.8.10. My PsychoPy is 2022.2.2

I am grateful for hints /solutions!