OS Win7
PsychoPy version 1.84)
Standard Standalone? y
In the attached exp, in the component Test within the routine trials_3 the keyboard responses are getting reset to 0 (as it appears in the data file). In other words, the key_resp_8.corr appears always as zero even when the correct responses are given.
In the attached script of the same exp in lines 1082 - 1084 the responses key_resp_8.corr appear to be recorded just fine (using print
) but then at lines 1114-1117 they get reset to 0.
I have a vague understanding of what the following code does (it inserts itself in my exp) but I have no idea why it resets the responses.
# was no response the correct answer?!
if str(correctAns).lower() == 'none':
key_resp_8.corr = 1 # correct non-response
key_resp_8.corr = 0```
I was able to circumvent the problem by saving the responses to a new variable and add it to my data but still I don't think this is how it should work.
Can anybody advise/help?
Thanks in advance
<a class="attachment" href="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex020/uploads/psychopy/original/1X/60dd3d7722677b29b675b267097428058680aeb5.psyexp">Session1.psyexp</a> (42.6 KB)
<a class="attachment" href="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex020/uploads/psychopy/original/1X/9388f6430bfcad0b865827f98b575b249ba6f6cc.py">Session1.py</a> (46.6 KB)