I am having trouble with Psychopy marking whether or not a participant got the answer correct. In the Excel column (AG), all of the responses are 0 and do not show if the participant answered correctly. I have a practice loop and a trial loop. The system marks the practice correct (X) but not the trial. I have attached all my files and a screenshot of the problem in Excel.
This particular case isn’t a version thing, it’s that you have the Keyboard component set to “store all keys” - meaning that the value of key_resp.keys is a list of strings rather than a string, so when it does the comparison it’s saying "is ['l'] equal to l", to which the answer is no because ['l'] is a list. To fix it you just need to set the Keyboard component to store “last key” and then delete the code component (as it duplicates what the Keyboard already does natively)